Status Local. Waste ground, rough grassland, roadside verges. Larva forms a case very closely resembling a seedhead of foodplant.
Extensive larval searches by Stewart Wright in 2015 have recorded the species across the county at many sites, including possible new Vice-county records from West Norfolk VC28. Stewart notes that there have only been three tetrads in which he has failed to find it, leading to the conclusion it is far from rare, just under recorded.
[MBGBI vol3 p317] (VC28 map reference from 1988 is possibly a recorder/location error) | Determination by Genitalia Examination Required | |
| Case: A good quality photo or specimen of the case and plant/pabulum is required. | |
Recorded in 24 (32%) of 74 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1874. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |